Cordas orquestrais mais realistas
Como fazer uma orquestração para violino, viola, violoncelo e contrabaixo soar mais convincente usando apenas o computador? Hoje mostro como fiz o mockup orquestral da composição orquestrada no v�
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • May 12, 2017
Controlador MIDI
Publicado originalmente na Academia de Composição “Ah, essa música tem mó sonzinho MIDI”… Você já disse isso? Eu já, me referindo ao som que saía das caixas do meu computador
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Apr 28, 2017
Como compor para cordas orquestrais
Publicado originalmente na Academia de Composição Como fazer uma orquestração para violino, viola, violoncelo e contrabaixo a partir de uma composição simples ao piano? No vídeo de hoje, mostro
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Apr 21, 2017
Partitura com anotações
Publicado originalmente na Academia de Composição Muita coisa que eu posto no blog da Academia de Composição (e alguns dos vídeos que vêm pela frente) exigem que você entenda como ler partitur
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Apr 14, 2017
Na última quinta, 30/03, convidei o maestro e compositor Rodrigo Faleiros para um papo sobre música erudita (ou clássica) e popular. Quais as diferenças? As semelhanças? Onde esses dois mundos
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Apr 07, 2017
Graus e funções harmônicas
O vídeo de hoje é uma aula do sexto módulo do curso Teoria Musical para Compositores! O curso ensina a teoria musical do zero e ainda explora muitos outros conceitos importantes em seus 9 módulos.
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Mar 24, 2017
Aeris em Final Fantasy Crisis Core (crédito: divulgação)
Não faço nenhuma questão de esconder que Final Fantasy 7 é meu jogo favorito e que, 20 anos atrás, seus temas plantaram em mim a paixão por músicas de games (e, mais tarde, a vontade de compor
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Mar 17, 2017
Dream Theater: uma das principais referências no uso de fórmulas de compasso pouco usuais
Na semana passada falamos um pouco sobre compassos simples e compostos, e como existem formas diferentes de fazer música sem recorrer apenas ao “1 e 2 e 3 e 4”. Hoje vamos dar uma olhada
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Mar 03, 2017
Banda ao vivo (crédito: Pixabay)
Na música popular contemporânea (rock, pop, MPB, música eletrônica e tudo o mais), a maior parte do que a gente escuta usa a fórmula de compasso 4/4. Explicando de forma simples, direta e pouco t
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Feb 25, 2017
RoboTotem parte 2
Hoje continuamos o vídeo da semana passada, explorando os recursos composicionais que usei para criar o tema de RoboTotem, novo jogo da Nownew Games. Se você perdeu o primeiro vídeo, comece por el
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Feb 17, 2017
RoboTotem parte 1
Nos próximos dias sai RoboTotem, o novo jogo da Nownew Games! Neste vídeo (parte 1 de 2), veja o raciocínio por trás da criação da música do jogo, incluindo conceitos como música modal, timbre
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Feb 10, 2017
Medeski, Martin & Wood
Publicado originalmente na Academia de Composição Conhecer música nova costuma ser muito estimulante para a criatividade: vemos como outras pessoas estão criando, como estão transmitindo suas id
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Feb 04, 2017
Propriedades do som
As inscrições para o curso Teoria Musical para Compositores já acabaram, mas nesta semana eu disponibilizei gratuitamente a primeira aula do primeiro módulo do curso! Trata-se de um assunto muito
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Jan 27, 2017
Guitarra (Foto: Fernanda Almeida)
Este post começa com uma breve história pessoal entre a teoria musical e eu. Quando eu comecei a estudar música, lá por volta de 2001, eu não me interessava em aprender teoria. Queria só aprend
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Jan 20, 2017
Curso Teoria Musical para Compositores
Como você já deve saber, semana que vem, dia 16/01, começam as inscrições para o primeiro curso da Academia de Composição, Teoria Musical para Compositores. E por que teoria é importante? Por
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Jan 13, 2017
Home Studio (foto:
Texto originalmente publicado no blog Naco de Pão Ultimamente, este tem sido um tema recorrente nas minhas conversas nos mais diversos círculos. Nós, brasileiros criativos, aparentemente temos R
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Jan 06, 2017
Músicas de games, parte 2
Como fazer a música de um game acompanhar diretamente a interatividade que ele propõe? Neste segundo vídeo da minissérie sobre Música para Games, abordo duas técnicas específicas de composiçã
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Dec 23, 2016
Música para Games, pt. 1
Música criada para acompanhar videogames tem características únicas e específicas, que não aparecem em outras mídias. Quais são essas características? Vamos conhecê-las nesta minissérie de d
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Dec 16, 2016
Microfone condensador RØDE NT1-A
Vai gravar voz, violão, flauta ou outro instrumento acústico em casa? Vale a pena escolher um microfone apropriado para as suas necessidades. Vamos conferir as possibilidades mais comuns. Para liga
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Dec 09, 2016
Introdução à Orquestra
Sempre quis compor para orquestra e nunca soube por onde começar? Neste vídeo introdutório, apresento os instrumentos básicos que compõem uma orquestra tradicional, além de indicar mais fontes p
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Dec 02, 2016
E-book "Essencial de Teoria Musical para Compositores"
Conforme prometido no último vídeo, esta semana temos um conteúdo muito legal e especial! Trata-se do primeiro e-book gratuito da Academia de Composição: Essencial de Teoria Musical para Composi
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Nov 28, 2016
Trilha Sonora
Quer trabalhar com trilhas sonoras de games, publicidade, cinema? Confira os conceitos e dicas essenciais para esse grande ramo da composição musical – com a participação de Mike Vlcek, prod
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Nov 18, 2016
Criando música com samplers. Foto: Julia Tinoco
Já falamos aqui sobre DAWs, o tipo de programa que você precisa ter para começar a produzir música no seu computador. Mas se você precisar de um instrumento que você não toque para sua músic
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Nov 11, 2016
Princípios do Arranjo
Qual a diferença entre arranjo e composição? Como podemos tornar a nossa música mais interessante através do arranjo? Conheça os princípios básicos para seu som não ficar monótono. Dúvidas?
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Nov 04, 2016
Focusrite Scarlett Solo
Talvez você já tenha descoberto que, pra gravar música em casa, ligar aquele microfone de karaokê na entrada de linha do seu computador não vai te dar uma qualidade de som muito satisfatória.  
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Oct 28, 2016
Letra de música em tempo real
Ufa! Um vídeo de fôlego no qual escrevi uma letra de música em tempo real, explicando passo a passo meu raciocínio. Abordei também alguns temas técnicos e artísticos importantes para se pensar
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Oct 21, 2016
Link tocando ocarina
Começando uma nova categoria da Academia de Composição, hoje vamos analisar o tema principal da franquia The Legend of Zelda, a partir da primeira versão da série. O conteúdo foi retirado de u
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Oct 14, 2016
Seis ferramentas teóricas
Composições muito iguais? Conheça alguns recursos da teoria musical (iniciante/intermediário) que podem ajudar a mudar essa situação. Quer ver algum assunto específico sendo tratado aqui? Deixe
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Oct 07, 2016
Shure SRH440 - Foto: Thiago Schiefer
Começamos hoje uma pequena série de três posts para falar sobre equipamentos de áudio básicos para você produzir música em casa com uma qualidade bacana. Este post traz informações sobre fo
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Sep 30, 2016
Como continuar uma música que eu já comecei?
Começou várias músicas, mas não consegue terminar a maioria delas? Neste vídeo, algumas dicas para você conseguir finalizar ideias e dar mais unidade às suas composições. Músicas citadas no
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Sep 23, 2016
Você resolveu usar o computador para gravar suas composições com maior qualidade e flexibilidade. Legal! Mas que programas usar para isso? A partir deste post, vamos comçar a ver o panorama geral
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Sep 16, 2016
O que eu preciso para compor?
Instrumentos, programas, equipamentos, estudo… o que você precisa para criar música? Neste primeiro vídeo da Academia de Composição, Thiago Schiefer apresenta algumas ideias para quem está
  • Thiago Schiefer
  • Sep 09, 2016
Confused by the term Pulldown, or Telecine? Here are the facts: 24p = 23.98 fps (Progressive) 29.97 fps = 59.94 interlaced fields per second, aka 60i • Interlaced video displays 60 half frames per s
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
When preparing to encode MP3 files we need to be aware of the possibility of Intersample Peaks (ISP) that may be introduced in the output, especially when targeting low bit rates. This results from th
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
Professional audio Loudness Meters display Program (Integrated) Loudness using an Absolute scale measured in LUFS. For example the EBU R128 Program Loudness target is -23.0 LUFS (Loudness Units Relati
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
Below is Elixir by Flux. This is an ITU-R BS.1770/EBU R128 compliant multichannel True Peak Limiter. It’s just one of the tools available that can be used in the workflow described below. In this po
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
In the recent article published on “Working Group Nears Standard for Audio Levels in PRSS Content”, the author states: “Working group members believe that one solution may lie in pro
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
Consider the following scenario: Two copies of an audio file. File 1 is Stereo, Loudness Normalized to -16.0 LUFS. File 2 is Mono, also Loudness Normalized to -16.0 LUFS. Passing both files through a
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
iZotope has released a newly designed version of Ozone, their flagship Mastering processor. Notice I didn’t refer to Ozone [6] as a plugin? Well I’m happy to report that Ozone [6] is now capable t
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
If you are in the audio production business or involved in some sort of collaborative Podcast effort, moving large lossless audio files to and from various locations can be challenging. Slow internet
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
In order to understand the attributes of asymmetric waveforms, it’s important to clarify the differences between DC Offset and Asymmetry … Waveform Basics A waveform consists of both a Positive an
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
The dbx brand has been a favorite of mine since the late 1970’s. My first piece of dbx kit was a stand-alone noise reduction unit that I coupled with an old Teac Reel to Reel Tape Deck. Through the
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
I’ve discussed the reasons why there is a need for revised Loudness Standards for Internet and Mobile audio distribution. Problematic (noisy) consumption environments and possible device gain defici
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
I’d like to share my observations and views on the recently published AES Technical Document AES TD1004.1.15-10 that specifics best practices forLoudness of Audio Streaming and Network File Playback
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
In a professional environment Dithering will be applied to audio clips when reducing word length. This process will mask errors that occur due to the removal of digital audio bits. I thought I’d cov
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
The vast majority of audio industry professionals use DAWS running on proficient computer systems to record audio directly to secondary hard disks. For some reason direct to disk recording is not wide
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
Adobe Audition and Logic Pro X include Pan Mode preference options that determine track output gain for center panned mono clips included in stereo sessions. These options are often the source of conf
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
It is possible to implement support for use of external hardware processing components within your software DAW. This support is common in music recording and audio post production environments. When
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
Consider this: Two extended segments of audio, Loudness Normalized (or mixed in real time) to the same Integrated Loudness Target. Segment (A) is fairly consistent, with a very limited amount of inter
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
I recently analyzed a few of the internal Podcasts produced by CNN. One particular installment is yet another example of a major media outlet distributing audio that is in my view unsuitable for this
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 28, 2016
In this article we explain how to choose the best audio cable, what’s the difference between one and the other and a bit of history behind each of them. Understanding audio cables can have a great i
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 25, 2016
As a teenager, you probably listened to loud music — it seems to go hand-in-hand with adolescence. Whether it was in your room, in the car, on a Walkman, or at live concerts, you probably couldn’t
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
“$1,300 for a new Strat?! I bought mine for $150 at a pawn shop in 1965. Wish I would’ve kept it.” Ah, yes. The common refrain of American baby boomers repeated in guitar shops and online forums
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
In the early days of home recording, track allocation was usually the biggest concern. Even with the best practices, organizational skills and bouncing techniques, the number of available tracks was l
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
There’s one word Steve Stepp repeatedly uses to explain National Audio Company’s success: stubbornness. That may not always be among the key virtues of successful entrepreneurs, but when your busi
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Whether it’s cutting up the speaker in a guitar amp, using a cassette recorder to make an acoustic guitar sound electric, or slamming a mixing console almost to the point of explosion, musicians
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
It’s hard out here for a drummer. Or, more to the point, it’s expensive out here for a drummer. There’s nothing quite as infuriating as listening to your guitarist complain about switching o
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
So as to set the record straight, I’m going to make the following disclaimer: I am not Mutt Lange. I am not Rob Cavollo. I am not Jimmy Iovine or Daniel Lanois or Steve Albini, nor will I ever be in
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Self-taught musicians in a professional capacity are like Spanish speakers from inner-city Los Angeles traveling in Spain. The foundation of the language is the same but there are significant differin
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
You can’t believe everything you hear. No, we’re not talking about rumors, gossips or myths. We’re talking about the music you hear. We can perceive sounds as loud even at low volumes, hear the
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Sometimes it’s a chair being dragged across aluminum plates. Sometimes it’s a sample of a cheap organ’s drum machine, or that obscure synth that delivers the exact characteristics you need for y
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Getting started with recording can be daunting. On the one hand, there’s a wonderful variety of devices to help you get great results at costs hardly imaginable just two decades ago. On the other ha
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
It’s no longer much of a secret that swapping speakers can yield one of the fastest and most comprehensive tone overhauls a guitarist can achieve, yet plenty of players still don’t give adequate t
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
It’s easy to think that the big studios, with their armies of assistants and gobs of gear, have the market cornered on getting the most innovative sounds around. And certainly, there’s some truth
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Whether it’s a tenor leading a combo through a friday night jazz odyssey or a baritone providing that counterpoint bass line to pop vocals, the saxophone is easily one of the most versatile inst
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
The art of mastering—and undoubtedly, it is an art—abounds with conflicting theories, advice and philosophies so as to leave any musician utterly confused. And believe me, home recording warriors,
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Sometimes soundchecks are quick and dirty. A total of 15 minutes to set up, do the “check 1, check 2” thing and then you’re already launching into your first set. This means: No one
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Mic’ing up a drum kit can be a challenge. But with the help of producer/engineer Brian Deck, we take it on and offer some quick tips to getting started. Recording at home or in your practice spa
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Think back to the very first mix you ever completed. Does it make you proud? Cringe? Make you want to bury the tape or CD next to your dead hamster? Even in the best of circumstances, mixing poses a c
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
The web has put a wealth of information at our fingertips. The trouble is, all too often that information is misleading, or even hands-down wrong. Nowhere is the pseudo-scientific babble more fetid an
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Odds are good that the person working sound at your next local gig — positioning mics, balancing the mix, tweaking your monitors — is a musician just like you. But players don’t always treat the
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Just a few days before July 4th, I attended a fancy function in downtown Chicago for business muckety mucks. A trumpet player strolled out to play the Star Spangled Banner, and it was a sound to behol
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
When your band rehearses, is it a chill, low-key hang — or are you getting something done? There’s nothing wrong with gathering good players in a room, leaning back, and seeing where the musical c
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
In a recent installment, we explored some 16-inch acoustic archtops—strictly production models, most of them inexpensive. In a different direction, we’ll now check out the making of a luxurious cu
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
For many people media exists in a “cloud” somewhere, and music has become a sort of sonic wallpaper. It’s something to consume while working out, driving or waiting for the subway. But the cult
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Data analytics can help musicians and other artists track their audiences’ demographics, song preferences and online or in-store music purchases – showing the power and usefulness of data to pick
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Direct-to-fan is a multi-billion dollar missed opportunity for many artists who are stuck in the old “if you build it they will come” business model. Direct-to-fan turns that old model on its head
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
The art of mixing is all about bringing together the individual elements of a record and making a unified work. With advancements in recording technology, and the dropping cost of entry, it has never
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Compressors cover a wide sea of designs and applications in the music world, and trying to determine where to get started with all these various compressor types can be daunting even for the seasoned
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Many Stratocaster and Telecaster players will tell you that Japanese-built Fender guitars are on par with American-made guitars, and a few will even insist that the consistency of the Japanese-built F
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
  If anyone could just take your music without permission and use it without compensating you, chances are many of us would not go to great lengths to create music and other art. Fortunately, cop
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Ordinarily an amplifier’s job is to make a guitar sound louder, but when amplifying an acoustic guitar, it gets a little more complicated than that. With a solid-body electric guitar, the amplified
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Along with frequency response, average output level and max SPL, one of the most important factors in choosing a microphone for any application is its polar pattern, which illustrates how sensitive th
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Let’s start here: contrary to popular belief, in-ear monitor systems will not protect your hearing. That’s your job. But if you’re a survivor of onstage volume wars, screeching feedback and floo
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Copyright protection exists to motivate musicians and songwriters to create music, protect their interests and help them get paid for their creations. An understanding of these protections can help yo
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Want your music in the hands of as many people as possible? Then don’t spend your time worrying about getting signed by a record label. Record labels, while still powerful, are not the only way to g
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
You’ve purchased the home audio system of your dreams, plugged in all of your HDMI cables, and synced all your accessories via Bluetooth. Now it’s time for one of the most critical steps: placing
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Unlike vintage instruments and gear, most audio playback mediums get little love outside of rare or very popular recordings. Besides vinyl, most people consider formats like CDs and cassettes very muc
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Your hands are the most important parts of your guitar rig. However, few guitarists take the time to ensure that their wrists, hands and fingers are kept in good shape. Anything from dry weather to an
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
What does it take to be a session vocalist? And how do you make a lasting impression in the studio? Whether you are new to the session world or trying to break in, let’s explore how to prepare for a
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
“Decibel” is one of the most commonly used terms in the audio lexicon, as well as one of the most commonly misunderstood — and with good reason. Although the simplest definition is “a unit for
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Not so long ago, musicians put pen to paper to notate music, and publishers used engraved metal plates to print the sheet music. But that changed in the 1980s, with the advent of notation software. Th
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Synthesizers give you the power to craft any sound imaginable with one tool, but that breadth of possibilities can be intimidating. With their extensive arrays of controls, synths can look more like t
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
I am continually surprised at how many home recordists think of the meters in their DAWs as little more than clip indicators, and that as long as their tracks aren’t clipping all is well. Some even
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Mastering is all about two things: the gear and the ear. While there is an abundance of mastering-grade software and hardware available these days, possessing both the ears that are sufficiently train
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
While the digital audio workstation has taken over as the de facto hub for any working studio, analog gear still has a home and a place. As many engineers embrace the “hybrid” setup, the question
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
To a large extent, the term “home studio” is an oxymoron; and if I own it, it’s definitely more to the moron side. Self-deprecation aside, however, a home studio really isn’t part of the famil
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
“Loudness” is the perception of audio level by humans. Unlike the average level measured by VU meters or the peak levels measured by PPMs, such as the sample-peak meters in a typical digital audio
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Recording in digital marks a great leap forward, no doubt. The same band that might’ve invested $10,000 in an album a generation ago can buy a tricked-out Pro Tools rig and plug-in suite today, and
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
If you’re just jumping into home recording, you may find yourself doubled over by the massive amount of plugins out there. You may have even gotten a bundle of them with your recording software
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
There are basically two ways in which to use equalization: to boost desirable frequencies and to cut undesirable frequencies. But which are which? Boosting or cutting any one frequency affects that fr
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
A long time ago, making records worked like this: an established artist walks into a commercial studio with a professional engineer/producer, who utilizes arcane equipment and something called ‘a bu
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
The last thing a string player wants when sweating tirelessly in a practice room is an emergency trip to the violin doctor. It takes extra time and money, and honey, we ain’t got that. While the une
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
The faucet of your fresh ideas is clogged shut, and inspiration strikes at inconvenient times: when you’re in the shower, in bed — or worse — on your way to work. Writer’s block totally sucks.
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Mixing without monitors isn’t ideal, but it certainly can be done. A good pair of headphones is an obvious essential, but just as important are some of the less-obvious things, like your car stereo
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
“French! Spanish! Latin! Mexican!” These were shouts of young violin players answering the question, “What language did Beethoven use in his notation in the Symphony No. 3 Scherzo that I just pe
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
With the proliferation of knob-heavy analog synthesizers today, it has become easier than ever to sit down and make great sounds. Fortunately, the simplest, most common patches on these synthesizers s
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
If you smack something with a stick over and over and over again, it’s inevitable that your hand will eventually start to hurt. Soreness and hand cramps are just things that come with the territory
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Oh, Mahler, how I love thee. Thy notes make mine ears perk and mine skin appear bumped as a plucked chicken. But, why must thee mark thy parts in German? Are you not aware that mine eyes read those no
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
Reamp boxes have become a real game changer for the home recordist and project studio owner. They allow us to beef up bass tracks, experiment with different guitar amps, and run tracks though interest
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 22, 2016
On a recent visit to Oliveto, a nouvelle Italian restaurant in the Rockridge neighborhood of Oakland, California, I paid attention less to the food than to the sound. I was at a table of six, in the r
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Bruce Aisher explores the effects of analogue recording methods, explaining why they might be beneficial to your production process. On the face of it, there’s an interesting conundrum buried in the
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Alan Starr remembers being blown back by the bomb’s force. He had come to watch a friend cross the Boston Marathon finish line on that fateful April day. Starr, a 52-year-old audio engineer who make
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
By Roger Beardsley and Daniel Leech-Wilkinson In the beginning The story of sound recording, and reproduction, began in 1877, when the man of a thousand patents, Thomas Edison, invented the phonograph
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
The biggest pop star in America today is a man named Karl Martin Sandberg. The lead singer of an obscure ’80s glam-metal band, Sandberg grew up in a remote suburb of Stockholm and is now 44. Sandber
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
I’m one of the first people in the world to listen to Sennheiser’s new $55,000 Orpheus headphone system. The new hardware’s 20 years in the making. Real, real serious shit. I’m trying hard to
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
The Vinyl Comeback There seems to be no end in sight for the resurgence of vinyl records. In 2015 the UK’s first Official Vinyl Albums and Official Vinyl Singles chart were established plus reco
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
I’ve always been a little confused about sound. So for “Tuesday’s” “mini” post, I decided to do something about that. We think of sound as something we hear—something that makes noise.
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
When we hear a great recording, we tend to think of the music as having sprung fully developed from the imagination of the musician or band that cut the tracks. But that ignores the role of the produc
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Paisley Park Studios, the factory-sized bunker where Prince recorded 30 of his own and many other albums is a 65,000 square-foot, $10 million complex that housed recording suites, sound stages, ballro
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
“The software is functioning as intended,” said Amber. “Wait,” I asked, “so it’s supposed to delete my personal files from my internal hard drive without asking my permission?” “Yes,�
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
It was 2 am on a spring night in 1944 — May 14, to be exact. And thanks to the good fortune of suffering from insomnia, a curious observation by John T. “Jack” Mullin led to the introduc
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Everything in a DAW we know can be taken care by mouse and keyboard commands, but are we missing something by not having that tactile fader whilst mixing, or those shuttle wheels when editing, or solo
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Amphion is a Finnish manufacturer of loudspeakers but very recently released a range ofprofessional studio monitors. Specialising in passive designed speakers, Amphion has taken the community by stor
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
The word Pultec is one of those classic studio names that I used to hear talked about years ago when I first started working in recording studios. This, alongside other notable classics like 1176, LA-
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Universal Audio have rapidly become highly respected for their emulation plugins of their own hardware as well as those by  Neve, SSL, API  and Manley through to classics by, Studer, Fairchild and
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Looptrotter is a young Polish manufacturer of pro audio equipment with a portofolio of very original designs all centered on how harmonic distortion can be used to improve modern recording systems.  
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
When recording or mixing tracks there are many instances when certain elements sonically just ‘work’ better than others, this could be due to many different reasons. The type of mic, the d
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
We all get it. A mix isn’t working. It’s become gradually worse than what had been done earlier. Due to various reasons you’ve now ended up where you are. You’re not loving th
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Vic Keary is the man behind Thermionic Culture and their amazing all valve based designs. Having previously worked at Lansdowne Studios, where he modified Lansdowne’s EMI valve desk he also worked o
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
We all get stuck in a creative rut from time to time and this makes us willing to try whatever we can to help find our ‘muse’ again. One such option, all be it a very major change, is to
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
These plug-ins, alongside what you get with your main DAW software, should easily cope with pretty much anything thrown at you. Whether you’re tracking, writing or mixing, these all help get on the
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Monitoring is probably the most important aspect to any studio engineer and studio design. Whilst it’s easy to get carried away with the next piece of outboard or software, are you sure you̵
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Mick Hinton is the man behind D.A.V Electronics based in West London. Having worked at Decca Studios for over 29 years he launched his range of Broadhurst Gardens ( BG ) in early 2001 and has now grow
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
What is Eurorack? Getting started with modular synthesizers, a simple guide. The current popularity of analogue synthesizers and synths in general can’t be understated. With so many innovations and
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
AJH Synth are one of the stand out brands from 2015, their range of Minimod Eurorack modules gracefully encapsulate the sonic qualities of the iconic Moog Model D. Allan Hall the companies owner and
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
David Josephson is the man behind the name and brand of some of the most sought after, precise and detailed musical microphones available. Based in Santa Cruz and with over 25 years of designing and m
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Ever wonder why the small Yamaha NS10 monitor is poised so confidently behind the mixing consoles of every major recording studio around the world? I have. When you explore this little loudspeaker’s
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 19, 2016
Today, Solid State Logic (SSL) mixing consoles are iconic studio classics. Not only have they changed the recording industry in the early 80s, but their classic E/G-series consoles as well as the SSL
  • Julian Ludwig
  • May 01, 2016
Quem tem banda sabe o sufoco e dedicação que um projeto musical exige. E muitas delas sonham em gravar suas músicas para que virem sucesso e cheguem ao maior número de pessoas possível. Antes de
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 25, 2016
It’s hard to believe, but it was 21 years ago, at the 1990 NAMM Show that Opcode and Digidesign announced the results of a collaboration that had begun the previous spring. With much ballyhoo we dem
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 25, 2016
Ya hablamos de la compresión de audio, introdujimos el concepto, hablamos del ataque y el release, del uso de la compresión para batería y bajo y se podría decir que tenemos el concepto bastante
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 25, 2016
When working with an acoustician in the design or renovation of a hall it is helpful for all to have an understanding of the basic concepts in auditorium acoustic design. You can’t really design
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 21, 2016
Intelligibility is the single most important service that an auditorium can provide. Without intelligibility, an auditorium is functionally little more than a gymnasium after the basketball hoops have
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 21, 2016
An auditorium is a place where people come to “audit”, it’s a place to listen. It won’t matter if the auditorium is big and beautiful, warm and comfortable, if the people can&#
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 21, 2016
Let’s start with the basics. The architect designs a great looking and comfortable auditorium. The sound contractor installs a great looking sound system. The people attend the grand opening and
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 21, 2016
A new website has arrived that could dramatically decrease the costs involved in creating music, through connecting people and enabling sharing. Released this month, The Audio Hunt is a peer-to-peer s
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 20, 2016
In the past couple of years, high-end microphone manufacturer Soyuz has begun making a name for themselves in the pro audio world. Their flagship LDC SU-017 and SDC SU-011 tube microphones have become
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 20, 2016
Welcome to Pensado’s Lair How do the pros do it? It’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves while trying to get better at mixing music. Well wonder no more… Our favourite mixing engineer Dav
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 20, 2016
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I used to dive into my mixes way too fast. I’d have all my raw audio tracks sounding good. And I’d be itching to start processing. So I’d jump
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 20, 2016
It’s buyer beware. So buyer take care. Nothing beats the feeling of finding that piece of gear you’ve wanted forever. I’ll never forget buying my first synth. I rode the train 3 hours round tri
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 20, 2016
As can be seen on the plan, there are five separate recording rooms fanned out around the central control room. Each recording room is built on an independent foundation. Every one is different in siz
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 13, 2016
The RL 901K has been designed for both the professional user at medium-size to large audio, video and film studios and for the discerning music enthusiast. By the radiating characteristic within the f
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 13, 2016
Aalto University researchers found that the emotional impact experienced by music listeners depends on the concert hall’s acoustics. Earlier research has shown that the strongest emotional exper
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 09, 2016
In 1984, Mike Gray helped assemble a discography of Decca’s classical releases, giving him access to their engineers and recording logs, and a valuable insight into how their records were made. He r
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 09, 2016
Dos 128 filmes brasileiros lançados em 2015, apenas 19 – ou 14,8% – foram dirigidos exclusivamente por mulheres, de acordo com relatório da Agência Nacional do Cinema (Ancine). O estudo, divulg
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 09, 2016
Taylor Swift is the corn syrup of the music world. Overly sweet, bland, and just plain unhealthy for you. Before a horde of Taylor Swift fans chastise me with cute, cliché phrases like “Music ta
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 09, 2016
FONTE: People have text-analyzed American songs to exhaustion. We’ve learned, among other things, that pop music has become dumb
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 09, 2016
Few directors this side of Joseph Mankiewicz are as attentive to the clear, crisp presentation of dialogue as Quentin Tarantino, giving the always important role of production sound mixer even more we
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 09, 2016
Have you ever wondered how a vinyl player actually plays a record? How Elvis’ crooning voice can slip from a vinyl right into your ears like he’s standing beside you (ignoring the odd sc
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 09, 2016
El catálogo de Spotify cuenta con más de 30 millones de canciones y cada día, aproximadamente 20.000 canciones nuevas aparecen en la plataforma. De tantas posibilidades a reproducir y hablando de 
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 09, 2016
Say Hello To Our Newest Monitor – LYD. Our new LYD series is tailored for the creative at heart whether you mix in a small recording studio, an editing room, or a home studio. In these settings,
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 08, 2016
Chandler Limited and Abbey Road Studios return to TG series with addition of fully featured recording channel Chandler Limited, the only company in the world authorized to develop, manufacture and mar
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 07, 2016
RME have just announced the UFX+. The first Thunderbolt interface from RME (it also has USB3). New converter chip and the addition of MADI! The Fireface UFX+ has become the centre of any multi-track s
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 07, 2016
Product Description The pinnacle of current PSI Audio system development, the A25-M main / mid-field reference monitor features a staggering precision of +/- 1.5 dB tolerance between 38Hz and 20KHz. T
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 07, 2016
New for 2016, Rupert Neve Designs has announced the RNHP: Precision Headphone Amplifier, displayed first at Musikmesse in Frankfurt, Germany. Based on the headphone output circuitry from their 5060 Ce
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 06, 2016
Barefoot Sound is proud to introduce our newest studio monitor, the MicroMain45. Featuring the same signal path, amplifier and driver technologies as our flagship MiniMain12, the MicroMain45 is stripp
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 06, 2016
The Trio6 Be was designed to meet the standards of the most demanding engineers. This dual monitor is the new reference in its price range owing to its extreme neutrality, its precise stereophonic ima
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 06, 2016
The 8351A combines our breakthrough Acoustically Concealed Woofers (ACW™) technology together with our Minimum Diffraction Coaxial (MDC™) driver and Maximised Directivity Control Waveguide (MaxDCW
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 06, 2016
Genelec is expanding its range of new generation Smart Active Monitoring (SAM™) systems with five additions to the series. All visitors to the Genelec stand (Hall 4, Level 1, Booth E27) will be able
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 05, 2016
In this exclusive SoundWorks Collection profile we talk with Director Alfonso Cuarón and Re-recording Mixer Skip Lievsay about the sound teams work to create a dramatic sound scape to a dark and vast
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
In this exclusive SoundWorks Collection profile we talk with veteran ADR mixer Doc Kane at Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, CA to explore his extensive project credits and unique approach to capturing
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
In this exclusive SoundWorks Collection video we feature Leslie Ann Jones, who is the Director of Music and Scoring at the legendary Northern California Skywalker Sound. Synopsis Leslie Ann Jones has
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
In this exclusive SoundWorks Collection sound profile we feature Supervising Sound Editor and Sound Designer Martín Hernández and Re-recording Mixer and Supervising Sound Editor Randy Thom discuss t
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Leading professional audio gear manufacturer Antelope Audio [AES Booth 637] announces the latest addition to its Orion family of recording interfaces, Orion Studio. Packed in only 1U rackspace, Orion
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Genelec (booth 138, demo room 1A02), the pioneer in active loudspeakers, debuts the new 1236 Smart Active Monitoring™ (SAM™) Main Monitor System. The 1236 and its individually calibrated 3U-high R
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
RX Final Mix is a real-time plug-in for controlling your peaks and giving your mixes and sub-mixes a smooth sonic balance. The newest member of the RX family of post production tools, RX Final Mix plu
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
New reference headphones for studio and monitoring applications With the DT 1770 PRO headphones, beyerdynamic is building on a great tradition. The new model is the next step in the evolution of the D
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Leading pro audio gear manufacturer Antelope Audio is showcasing the new R4S Remote Control for Satorimonitoring solution and the new MP8d eight-channel mic pre with A/D at the Summer NAMM, July 9 
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Today Plugin Alliance announces its new partnership with Lindell Audio, the Swedish designer of highly prized analog hardware for audio engineering and also of impeccable plugin emulations of audio ha
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Native Instruments today introduced REAKTOR 6 – the latest version of the acclaimed modular DSP environment at the core of the Native Instruments brand since its release as GENERATOR in 1996. Featur
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
iZotope, Inc., makers of award-winning software for audio production, now has released the latest version of their flagship mastering software, Ozone. Ozone 7 is a set of essential mastering tools tha
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Chandler Limited, recognized globally for signal processing and related music and audio products that deliver the classic analog sounds recording and professional musicians seek, expands its acclaimed
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
MOTU is now shipping the Stage-B16, a flexible stage box, rack-mount mixer and audio interface with studio-quality analog performance up to 192 kHz, powerful DSP for mixing and effects processing, and
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Universal Audio, a leading manufacturer of professional audio recording hardware and software, is proud to announceApollo Twin USB High-Resolution Desktop Interface with Realtime UAD Processing for Wi
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
VGDI Features Passive Direct Injection Box. Made in conjunction with Val Garay. Jensen Transformer 100% Transformer Isolation (to prevent ground loops) High common mode noise rejection Rugged steel ch
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
We are very excited to announce our new product today: The karacter 500 coloring box. It covers a complete spectrum including mastering-grade saturation, tube-inspired distortion and glorious destruct
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Premium analogue gear manufacturer BAE Audio announced that its new10DCF Compressor is shipping and is available at select authorized dealers following its unveiling at the 139th AES Convention, held
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
December 21st 2015: UK-based manufacturer PMC is using the NAMM platform to launch its new IB1S-AIII ‘activated’ reference monitor, a high resolution 3-way speaker that combines flexible p
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
For more than a decade, discerning musicians and engineers have turned to A-Designs’ unmistakable fire-engine-redREDDI to deliver rich, full tone for basses, guitars, keyboards/synths and other inst
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Celemony GmbH/ Munich, 14.1.2016 (ictw) – Today, Celemony is releasing Version 4 of its legendary audio softwareMelodyne. This constitutes the most extensive update to the entire product family
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
True to its inspiration; the WA-2A boasts an all tube, completely discrete signal path with through-hole component topology. It also features custom, large-core Cinemag input and output transformers,
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Eiosis announces the E2Deesser plugin, as well as Air and Earth modules for the Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack. Eiosis is proud to announce two new products, the E2Deesser, and AirEQ’s Air and Earth
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
BAE Audio [NAMM 2016 Booth A 6290], manufacturer of audio equipment faithful to vintage design specifications, has announced that it will introduce two new 500 series equalizers at NAMM 2016. The new1
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Keith Klawitter, founder and former CEO and chief design engineer of enormously successful speaker manufacturer KRK Systems, Inc., is celebrating his return to the MI and pro audio industries with the
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
The NAMM Show, Anaheim, CA, January 21, 2016 – Focusrite introduces its RedNet A16R 16-Channel Analog I/O at The NAMM Show 2016. The latest addition to Focusrite’s popular RedNet range of Dante™
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Following the working principle of the MCM32, the MCM20.4 is a 20 channel mixer with the addition of 4 aux sends ( 2 mono and 1 stereo ). 16 channels are laid out in 2 rows of 8 on the front panel, ha
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Plugin Alliance today announced the release of major upgrades to two of its most popular plugins. The Brainworx bx_digital V3 adds fabulous new features at a newly reduced price, while the SPL Transie
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
IsoAcoustics, the award-winning producer of acclaimed acoustic isolation stands is celebrating the arrival of the highly anticipated sculpted aluminum Aperta 200 isolation stands, which are now availa
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Swedish high-end plug-in developer Softube is proud to announce availability of the Drawmer 1973 Multi-Band Compressor plug-in, providing the latest in precision compression and dynamic control with t
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Augspurger, a leading manufacturer of studio reference monitors, has announced the release of its latest new-generation active monitor, the Solo 12MF. Solo 12MF is a compact-footprint studio reference
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Waves Audio, a leading provider of digital signal processing solutions, is now shipping the Waves BSS® DPR-402 Compressor/Limiter/De-Esser. Long favored by audio engineers in studio, live and broadca
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
The Director combines two units in one: a reference-class preamplifier with six inputs (2x analog and 4x digital) and both balanced and unbalanced outputs as well as a reference-class DA converter for
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Our Phonitor headphone amplifiers found a huge fan base among Hi-Fi enthusiasts. With the Phonitor x we have accommodated the wishes of our Hi-Fi customers. The Phonitor x is the ultimate headphone am
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
Our Phonitor headphone amplifiers found a huge fan base among Hi-Fi enthusiasts. The Phonitor e comprises the most essential functions and features in a slim and beautiful housing. The Phonitor e is t
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
This year sees British audio company, Audient celebrate the success of its flagship ASP8024 console with the launch of ASP8024: Heritage Edition, the definitive version of David Dearden’s classic de
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 04, 2016
A Jacarandá Licensing oferece o maior serviço brasileiro de licenciamento de trilhas. O acervo é organizado em diferentes gêneros e categorias que podem ser navegadas através do site. Os valores
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Apr 02, 2016
O site Recording Hacks é provavelmente o maior guia de microfones disponível na internet. Nesse site você encontra todas as informações sobre microfones de dezenas de fabricantes. Um grande obr
  • Julian Ludwig
  • Jul 11, 2015